• AI Voice Detector
    • AI Voice Detector

    • (4.5)
    • Paid - $25/ mo

Protect Yourself against AI Voice Scams. Detect if an audio or call is AI generated or not.

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About AI Voice Detector

What is AI Voice Detector?
AI Voice Detector is a service that analyzes audio files to detect if a voice is real or artificially generated by AI. It helps identify fake AI voices used in scams, fraud, misinformation campaigns and more.

How does AI Voice Detector works?
AI Voice Detector uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze the unique characteristics of human voices vs. AI voices. You simply upload an audio file, and it will determine if the voice is likely real or artificially generated.
The Process:

  • Upload an audio file
  • Click "Detect Voice"
  • View the results - it will show the probability of the voice being real or AI generated

What are the key features and benefits of AI Voice Detector?

  • Detects AI-generated voices with high accuracy
  • Helps avoid fraud, scams and misinformation using fake voices
  • Ensures authenticity for legal proceedings, media and customer service
  • Easy to use - just upload an audio file
  • Provides peace of mind and confidence in voice authenticity

What are the use cases and applications of AI Voice Detector?

  • Legal Proceedings - Ensure testimony and statements are authentic
  • Media - Verify sources and interviewees are real people
  • Business Security - Avoid business email compromise (BEC) and other social engineering scams using fake voices
  • Customer Service - Confirm identities of customers calling support lines
  • Content Creation - Detect AI-generated voices used without permission

Who is AI Voice Detector For?
AI Voice Detector is useful for:

  • Individuals - Avoid being scammed by fake AI voices online or on the phone
  • Businesses - Protect against fraud and social engineering attacks
  • Law Firms - Verify authenticity of audio evidence and testimony
  • Media Outlets - Confirm real identities of sources and interviewees
  • Universities - Detect AI voices used to cheat on oral exams