• Grafi AI
    • Grafi AI

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Grafi AI is an AI-powered copywriting tool designed specifically for healthcare writers. It helps generate long-form, high-quality...more content by leveraging medical databases, scientific journals, and the user's own content. Grafi AI aims to make writing easier for freelance healthcare writers.

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About Grafi AI

How Does Grafi AI Work?
Grafi AI works in four simple steps:

Step 1) Write a draft headline or title for your content. Grafi AI generates suggestions for sections and subtopics based on this.
Step 2) Upload PDFs or add URLs of content you have already curated. Grafi AI analyzes these to pull key information.
Step 3) Organize the auto-generated outline by adding or removing suggested topics.
Step 4) Grafi AI generates content for each section. Users can then tweak, rephrase, and export the finished piece.

Key Features and Benefits

  • Generates quality, long-form content in minutes
  • Leverages pre-vetted medical sources like PubMed and MedlinePlus
  • Creates new, original content based on user's uploaded documents
  • Helps write SEO-friendly content with relevant keywords
  • Saves time on research, fact-validation, and creating first drafts

Use Cases and Applications
Grafi AI can be used to create varied healthcare content including:

  • Patient education materials - Generate guides, fact sheets, brochures with simplified medical information for patients.
  • Website copy - Produce SEO-friendly website content on medical topics for clinics, hospitals, pharma brands etc.
  • Newsletters - Create well-researched articles and health tips for patient newsletters.
  • Doctor's advice - Develop patient handouts with treatment information and post-consultation instructions.
  • Medical marketing content - Produce ebooks, whitepapers, blog posts for medical marketing campaigns.

Who is Grafi AI For?
Grafi AI is designed for two main types of users:

  • Freelance healthcare writers - Easily research and produce high-quality content for clients in less time.
  • In-house healthcare marketers - Generate content for website, blogs, newsletters without intensive research or writing.


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